Bobby Fischer

Bobby FischerRobert James “Bobby” Fischer (1943-2008) was an American chess Grandmaster and World Chess Champion. He became the U.S. Chess Champion at 14, and the youngest Grandmaster at 15. He also made many contributions to chess, including the modified timing system that adds a bonus after each move.

Fischer Era Chess Prodigy Headlines Caveman Chess Festival

Chess Review first mentioned Salvatore “Sal” Matera in its July 1959 issue. In 1959, Matera was eight years old and had learned chess only the Christmas before. Yet Matera played well in the U.S. Amateur Championship, thus earning the 1959 mention. More 🡢

Accusations by World Chess Champions Bobby Fischer and Vladimir Kramnik

Fischer was convinced that some chess players were prearranging games. For example, the ninth game of the 1984/1985 Karpov versus Kasparov World Chess Championship match included a knight retreat in a knight and six pawns versus bishop and six pawns endgame. More 🡢

MUNY Chess

The MUNY Solved Chess

For the chess player at the MUNY’s production, the joys of Chess began even before the show started. Employees of the Saint Louis Chess Club and the World Chess Hall of Fame staffed tables where theatergoers played chess and received promotional chess items. Many attendees were playing chess for the first time, as I found out when I taught some of those beginners the two-rook checkmate. The employees also conducted chess trivia contests and handed out prizes. More 🡢

Ian Nepomniachtchi

Greatest World Chess Champion of All Time?

How to judge which world chess champion is the greatest of all time? One might look at the number of years that the champion held the title, inflation-adjusted peak rating, dominance over peers, or abilities as a chess ambassador. Another criterion, adopted by this article, is how many different challengers has each world chess champion faced. More 🡢

Igor Khmelnitsky and US Chess Board Member Kevin Pryor (August 2021)

You versus Bobby Fischer

International Master Igor Khmelnitsky participated in three U.S. Chess Championships. An actuary by profession, Khmelnitsky is also a chess player, coach, and author. In this article, I highlight one of his books, Chess Exam – Matches against Chess Legends: You vs. Bobby Fischer. More 🡢

world chess champions

Infographic: All World Chess Champions

We all know that Magnus Carlsen is the World Chess Champion, but who was the first one? And when? Even less is known about women champions. You probably have heard about Susan Polgar, but who is the current woman chess champion? More 🡢

diagram of Robert Thacker vs. Bobby Fischer chess puzzle

Robert Thacker vs. Bobby Fischer

A beautiful example of underpromotion in this chess puzzle from grand master Robert Fischer. Black to move and mate in 2.

diagram of Donald Byrne vs. Bobby Fischer chess puzzle

Donald Byrne vs. Bobby Fischer

Play online this chess puzzle from Donald Byrne vs Bobby Fischer. Black mates in 3.