Moderate Chess Puzzles
Play and solve medium-difficulty chess puzzles for enthusiasts. You’ll find solutions and historical details and you can play each puzzle live against the computer.
Wuisard vs. Durufle
Medium difficulty puzzle – mate in 5, white to move.
Laszlo Vadaz vs. Carsten Lingnau
Medium difficulty puzzle – mate in 2, white to move.
Pilotelle vs. Vernay
Medium difficulty puzzle. White to move and mate in 3
Promote to Knight
There are cases where an underpromotion would be useful. World Champion Emanuel Lasker presented a position in which White is in serious trouble, that not even a promotion to Queen would solve.
Mate in Three with a Promotion
An interesting puzzle composed by Niels Hoeg in 1905 and featuring promotions: White can mate (win) in three moves. Can you find the right solution?
Kasparov Mates in 3
This position is from Garry Kasparov vs Elmar Magerramov, USSR, 1982. Kasparov checkmated Elmar in 3 moves. Can you do that?
- Easy Chess Puzzles (21)
- Moderate Chess Puzzles (46)
- Hard Chess Puzzles (10)
Mate in
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