Wuisard vs. Durufle
Medium difficulty puzzle – mate in 5, white to move.
Roll over to see the solution: 1.Rxh6+ Kxh6 2.Qh4+ Kg6 3.Rg3+ Ng4 4.e5+ f5 5.Rxg4
FEN: 6r1/p3p1rk/1p1pPp1p/q3n2R/4P3/3BR2P/PPP2QP1/7K w
Medium difficulty puzzle – mate in 5, white to move.
Roll over to see the solution: 1.Rxh6+ Kxh6 2.Qh4+ Kg6 3.Rg3+ Ng4 4.e5+ f5 5.Rxg4
FEN: 6r1/p3p1rk/1p1pPp1p/q3n2R/4P3/3BR2P/PPP2QP1/7K w
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you can mate it in 3 moves
you can check mat in 2 moves
I can’t mate in 2 or 3 moves. Don’t think it’s possible.
You can mate in two if the computer goofs:
Qf4, which both times I’ve done it against the computer it baited them into Rxg2, and then Qxh6 is mate. Obviously it is slightly different if, say, the computer, instead of Rxg2, it did Rg6. This puts a halt on the mate in two, and in the strategy in general. I haven’t worked completely through the solution, but i have a hunch it is a sure fire way to get a mate.
It was a small error on the website that resulted in a lower than intended difficulty level when playing a puzzle. We fixed it 🙂
2 is possible if the computer makes a stupid move, however now it is fixed 4 is still possible
@Staydench Uh-huh & then you woke up? :))
Good puzzle
Rh5xh6 * Qf2-h4 * Re3-g3*e4-e5*Rg3xg4
Checkmate in 5 moves.
Mate in 4
1. Rxh6+ Kxh6 2. g2 – g4+ Qxa2 3. Q-h4+ K-g6 4. Q-h5
mate in 4
4.Qh4-h5 mate.
The queen can take your queen if you try it in 4 moves