Mate in Three with a Promotion
An interesting puzzle composed by Niels Høeg in 1905 and featuring promotions: White can mate (win) in three moves. Can you find the right solution?
Roll over to see the solution: 1.f7 e5xd4 2.f7-f8=B Kf6 3.Ra6
FEN: 8/R7/4kPP1/3ppp2/3B1P2/1K1P1P2/8/8 w
Another variation is:
1. f7 Kf6
2. f7-f8=N e5xd4
3. Rf7
Still mate in 3.
f6-f7 e5xd4
2. f7-f8=B Ke6-f6
3. Ra7-a6
1. f7 Kd6
2. f8=Q+ Kc6 (Ke6)
3. Qc5(Qe7)
f7 e5xf4
f7-f8=R Kd6
1. Bd4xe5 d5-d4
2. Kb3-c4