The game between James Mason (white) and Georg Marko, Leipzig 1894, ended with a spectacular victory in two for the black.
Roll over to see the solution: 1... Rg1+ 2. Kxg1 Rxf1#
FEN: 6k1/pp4p1/2p5/2bp4/8/P5Pb/1P3rrP/2BRRN1K b - - 0 1
About the players
Georg Marco (1863-1923) was an Austrian chess player. He was born in Cernăuţi in Bukovina, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then Romania and now Ukraine. He was secretary of the Vienna Chess Federation.
2 articles on Georg Marco
James Mason (1849-1923). Born in Ireland, he was adopted by the Mason family. They moved to the United States in 1861, where he began to learn chess. He wrote several popular books on chess such as "The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice" or "The Art of Chess".
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Solution was simple and it surprised me. This is a good example of the being wary of chess’ mechanics.
1 – Rg2-g1+ Kh1xg1
2 – Rf2xf1#
1….R G1 was the beautiful idea/
2. Kh1xg1 Rf2xf1#
Not so difficult. Far too easy for chess champions.