Paul Morphy vs. Duke of Brunswick
Paul Morphy vs. Duke of Brunswick & Count Isouard, Paris,1858
The game took place at the Paris Opera, during a show with Norma by Vicenzo Bellini.
White to move and win in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Qb8+ Nxb8 2. Rd8#
FEN: 4kb1r/p2n1ppp/4q3/4p1B1/4P3/1Q6/PPP2PPP/2KR4 w k - 1 0
………. Nxb8
1. Qb8+ Nxb8 2. Rd8#
1. Qb3-b8 Nd7xb8
2. Rd1-d8
queen B8+ and rook D8 checkmate is very wonderful!!
Qb3-b8 Nd7xb8
2. Rd1-d8
le magnifique sacrifice
1. Qb3-b8 Nd7xb8
2. Rd1-d8
1. Qb8 Nxb8 2. Rd8#