Siegbert Tarrasch vs. Max Kurschner
This is the endgame between two strong German chess players, Siegbert Tarrasch and Max Kurschner, in Nürnberg, 1893. With a surprising sacrifice, white won in two moves. Can you find Siegbert’s moves?
Roll over to see the solution: 1. Qg6+ hxg6 2. Bxg6#
FEN: r2qk2r/pb4pp/1n2Pb2/2B2Q2/p1p5/2P5/2B2PPP/RN2R1K1 w - - 1 0
About the players

2 articles on Siegbert Tarrasch
1. Qxh7, Rf8
2. Qg6+, Rf7
3. Qxf7++
Where is the sacrifice in this move you suggested? Also, the description says 2 moves and a sacrifice, you are suggesting 3 moves!
White will have to give a check with the queen ? and let the pawn ♟ take it then it a checkmate with the white bishop taking the pawn that took the pawn. Another way is through taking the castle ? with the queen having started by sacrificing a white bishop
The instructions were pretty clear. “With a surprising sacrifice, white won in two moves”. Doesn’t says “and”. Why don’t folks pay attention.
1.Qg6+ hxg6 ( sac the queen, black only move is take the queen with pawn
2. Bxg6#
1. Qf5xh7 Qd8-d6
2. Bc5xd6 Rh8xh7
3. Bc2-g6+ Ke8-d8
4. Bg6xh7 Bb7-d5
5. Bh7-g8 Bd5-c6
6. Re1-d1 Nb6-c8
7. Bd6-c5+ Kd8-c7
8. Nb1-d2 Nc8-b6
9. Bg8-f7 Nb6-d5
10. Nd2-e4 Nd5xc3
11. Bc5-d6+ Kc7-b6
12. Ne4xc3 Bf6xc3
13. Ra1-b1+ Kb6-a6
14. e6-e7 a4-a3
15. Rd1-c1 Bc3-b2
16. Rc1-c2 Bc6-e4
17. Bf7xc4+ Ka6-a5
18. Rb1xb2 a3xb2
19. Rc2xb2 Be4-c6
20. Bc4-f7 Bc6-e8
21. Bf7xe8 Ra8xe8
22. Bd6-c7+ Ka5-a4
23. Rb2-e2 Ka4-b5
24. Bc7-d8 Kb5-c6
25. Re2-d2 a7-a6
26. Rd2-a2 Kc6-b7
27. Ra2-b2+ Kb7-a7
28. f2-f4 Ka7-a8
29. f4-f5 Re8-h8
30. h2-h3 Rh8-g8
31. g2-g4 Rg8-e8
32. h3-h4 Ka8-a7
33. g4-g5 Ka7-a8
34. h4-h5 Re8-g8
35. Kg1-f2 Rg8-h8
36. f5-f6 g7xf6
37. g5xf6 Rh8xh5
38. e7-e8=Q Rh5-h2+
39. Kf2-e3 Rh2xb2
40. Qe8-c6+ Ka8-b8
41. Bd8-c7+ Kb8-a7
42. Qc6-c5+ Ka7-b7
43. Qc5-d5+ Kb7xc7
44. Qd5-e5+ Kc7-d7
45. Qe5xb2 Kd7-e6
46. Ke3-d3 Ke6-f7
47. Kd3-c4 Kf7-g6
48. Kc4-b4 a6-a5+
49. Kb4xa5 Kg6-f7
50. Qb2-e5 Kf7-g6
51. Qe5-e7 Kg6-h5
52. f6-f7 Kh5-g4
53. f7-f8=Q Kg4-h3
54. Qe7-g7 Kh3-h2
55. Qf8-h8# well… I finally did it!
1. Qf5-g6+ h7xg6
2. Bc2xg6#
1) Qg6+ hxg6
2) Bxg6#
Queen will sacrifice by taking black pawn before rook. Whether black rook take the queen or not, in second move white bishop wil check the black king by moving to f6.
No because black Qd6
the white queen takes black pawn in front of rook on the right side.
black rook takes queen
the white bishop moves up right next to the rook………..checkmate.
the king had no move because the pawn in front of the king and the the other bishop has the king pin down …………………………….. checkmate.
the white bishop play is to not take the rook………do you see it now?
took me about five minutes to see it.
i don’t speak chess moves . but i play pretty good……….
my moves do solve the puzzle. 🙂
if u don t see it keep looking it s there.
White wins in two moves
1. Qg6+ hxg6
2. Bxg6#
one is wat u guys told another one is Ra4+Na4+Ba4#
Things aren’t “Boden” well for Black. 🙂 White sacs the Q to mate next (1. Qg6+ hxg6 2. Bxh6#). Love your site!
1 Qg6 hxg6
2 Bxg6#