Isaías Pleci vs. Lucius Endzelins
Chess puzzle from the game between Isaías Pleci and Lucius Endzelins in Buenos Aires, 1939.
White to move and win in 2.
Roll over to see the solution: 1. h5+ Kh6 2. Nf7#
FEN: r4R2/1b2n1pp/p2Np1k1/1pn5/4pP1P/8/PPP1B1P1/2K4R w - - 1 0
1. h5+ Kh6 2. Nf7#
1. h4-h5+ Kg6-h6 2. Nd6-f7#
Pawn to h6 and knight to f7
the answer is :
h4-h5+ Kg6-h6