Learn Chess

The Final Four of College Chess

Football and Chess… YOU could be a winner!

Unlike many U.S. universities, The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) does not have a football team. Instead, UTD has a chess team. In 2018 Final Four teams of the Pan-American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championships are Webster, Saint Louis University, Texas Tech University (TTU), and The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Can you predict the order of finish of the four teams and the game points scored by the winning team? Ten Premium Live one-year memberships to Spark Chess will be awarded to participants in this contest. More 🡢


5 Best Chess Web Shops

Around 1100 AD chess was well known in royal and noble houses from Spain, France, and Italy. With an enormous variety of artistic and elaborated chess sets, it had to be simplified and unified in order to spread to all social classes. The turning point was in 1849, when “Staunton Chess Set” appears. More 🡢

SparkChess - The Free Online Multiplayer Chess Game

Multiplayer Score Adjustment

UPDATED on Jan. 22 with details! We’ve had several requests from our top players to decrease the gaps between scores. Right now, our top players simply can’t find enough similarly-ranked opponents to play against. To refresh your memory, SparkChess uses an Elo-based system for score, but we tweaked its parameters a bit to reward players […] More 🡢

children playing chess

Why Learning Chess is Important for Your Child

One of the more surprising aspects of chess is that it can actually improve creativity and original thinking. Creativity sounds like a non-measurable attribute, but studies have shown that children who play chess offer more creative and original solutions to problems than those who do not play chess. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – Positional Pawn Sacrifice Buries Black’s Bishop

This is one of the most important chess concepts you’ll ever learn to improve your middle game. Combine it with an active opening repertoire, and you will soon become feared by your opponents. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – The Value of an Exchange

White takes time to exploit a dark square weakness early in the game. Black responds by sacrificing the exchange for quick development and dynamic play. He initially plays well, but fails to target the right weakness at a key moment. This allows White to consolidate, simplify the position, and the exchange suddenly becomes decisive. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess – Play on both sides of the board

In Pawn Structure Chess, the tension between two pawns is called a “lever.”  Very few things dictate the nature of a contest more than how the player handles this tension. More 🡢

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Mastering Chess- Chaos and an overextended knight

Do a general survey of the key ideas before you start analyzing a specific variation in great depth. On many occasions, I have spent a great deal of time and energy, looking six or seven moves deep in a certain variation, only to find I missed something simple and better way back at the beginning. More 🡢

Is it hard to learn chess?

Learning the rules of chess can be accomplished in one day. There are six different chessmen. Master how each moves and captures, and use them to checkmate your opponents, to succeed in your chess games.

Where can I learn chess?

The best way to learn is by playing! Right here on SparkChess you can play against different computer personas (start with Cody if you never played before). The game will highlight all valid moves for a piece, so it's easy to understand and learn the rules. Then you can move to learning strategies and openings with SparkChess Premium, which features an Opening Explorer with over 100 opening variations, 30 interactive lessons and even an AI coach.

What is the best way to start learning chess?

While learning chess online is efficient, since software corrects illegal moves, playing chess with others in person can be satisfying. You and a friend or family member could tackle chess together, perhaps reading the rules in a book. Playing on a three-dimensional chess set can be a fun break from our online lives. When in-person chess is not available, SparkChess has online multiplayer for playing with friends (and making new ones).

How can I teach myself to play chess?

While learning chess rules takes one day, becoming good at chess takes longer. One proverb states, “Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe.” With intense efforts, chess greatness can be achieved.